Fishy Eastern Cost of Sri Lanka

We are evidencing plenty of fish in eastern coast in these days. It is appears to be a small variation in the normal phenomenon. To explain this we need to have some knowledge on ocean living. Herrings(Soodai) are the small fish in the ocean, which is rich in healthy oil. They move in schools. Young ones feed in phytoplankton. This been called as Biomass of the ocean. Lot of predators of the sea are attracted to this tasty food, Include

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Nuclear Weapons & Disasters

It is not a secret that nuclear weapon will cause massive disaster. Unfortunately we much closer to India and Pakistan, both have more than 100 nuclear war heads. Apart from direct effect of weapon, even a regional nuclear war can cause world wide climate change. According to American scientist magazine, Scientist have studied possible climate change can occur if India and Pakistan use nuclear weapons. Smoke and dust exhale into the atmosphere will reach the upper layers slowly and spread

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Coral Bleaching

Corals in sea get most of their energy from microscopic algae that live in their tissue. These algae are colourful and are give colour to corals. Both are living closely called symbiosis. When sea temperature goes up due global warming or due to El-nino effect, the symbiosis between the coral and the algae breaks down and corals effectively expel the algae and turn white. The coral is then deprived of its source of energy, and dies. This called Coral bleaching.

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