Do forest and ocean ecosystems have the capacity to recover what they lose due to deforestation and over fishing?

Whether on land or in oceans, living resources such as trees and fishes are being harvested by man excessively for timber and food respectively. Deforestation (loss of forests) causes loss of animals and plants at a rate 3 or 4 times higher than their natural death rate while over fishing causes the depletion of nearly 90% of the world’s marine fish stocks (fish-able populations). For instance, about 60,000 tons of the Atlantic Blue fin tuna are now being harvested whereas

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Can we eat our fish and keep them in the sea as well?

In a recent Sunday Times newspaper there was a news item stating about 200 International Scientists will meet in Sri Lanka in September 2019 to discuss saving living forms in the tropics” (the tropics is said to host about 80% of all species found on planet earth). What does this news mean to us, the people of tropical Sri Lanka and the people of Batticaloa district in particular? It means every time we enjoy a fish, crab or prawn curry

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