Do forest and ocean ecosystems have the capacity to recover what they lose due to deforestation and over fishing?

Whether on land or in oceans, living resources such as trees and fishes are being harvested by man excessively for timber and food respectively. Deforestation (loss of forests) causes loss of animals and plants at a rate 3 or 4 times higher than their natural death rate while over fishing causes the depletion of nearly 90% of the world’s marine fish stocks (fish-able populations). For instance, about 60,000 tons of the Atlantic Blue fin tuna are now being harvested whereas

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Guide to Predict Seasonal Rainfall of Batticaloa

INTRODUCTION Batticaloa is one of the district suffers the most due to natural disasters. At the same time main economy of this district is Agriculture, primarily in the form of paddy. Due to the annual variation of the seasonal rainfall paddy cultivation failed to give the maximum yield. Unexpected heavy rainfall causes floods and less rainfall results drought. This affect the cultivation as well as living standard of people in these areas. We science navigators were able to review the

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World End Possibilities

We may have not forgotten the date 21.12.2012. This date was regarded as the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican (Mayan) Long Count calendar so the world could end. A New Age interpretation of this transition was that the date marked the start of a period during which Earth and its inhabitants would undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 21 December 2012 would mark the beginning of a new era.(Wikipedia). But we are not going

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