Indonesian Volcanic Eruption – Covers Cities with White Ash

On 13th February, 2014, night time volcano eruption caused massive disturbance in Indonesian island Java, where the Mount Kelud is located. More than 100,000 people are evacuated, said Indonesian disaster agency.
Mount Kelud, known for most powerful eruptions over history, blasted ash and debris more than 12 miles into air and the eruption could be heard upto 200 kilometers away. mount Kelud’s eruption created a white ash bed over an area of 500 km in diameter, covering almost one third of island Java.
Mount Kelud, one of the most active volcano around the world, known for its disastrous eruptions. On May 19, 1919, Mount Kelud eruption killed more than 5000 people, and after that, throughout the century, 1951, 1966 and 1990 it kept erupting and killed total of 250 people. Kelud is thought to erupted more than 30 times since year 1000.
Source & Images: National Geographic